Business meetings are generally on the first Thursday of March, June, September, and December on Zoom. In other months, we have in person meetings on topics like healthcare, voter registration, etc. Send an email to if you want more information.
Sudbury Stands for Democracy
Sudbury Stands for Democracy is back. We will be peacefully protesting Friday, Feb. 21, 4:30-5:30, at our usual spot in front of the Sudbury Town Hall.
Please bring your signs and banners against “President” Musk and his minions, the felonious Trump, and the supine Republican Congress and Senate. And given the latest news, we will be bringing SUDBURY FOR UKRAINE signs. Please join us!
Community Forum: Re-imagining Healthcare
Please join Senator Eldridge, Rep. Gentile, and three guest speakers (see below) at “Reimagining Healthcare: A Community Forum”
When: Thursday, February 27th 2025 at 7pm
Where: Goodnow Library, 21 Concord Rd, Sudbury, MA 01776
The forum, hosted by the Sudbury, Maynard, Lincoln, and Wayland Democratic Town Committees, will feature three experts on healthcare and an in-depth discussion and Q&A on universal healthcare and Medicare-For-All.
Please RSVP here:

The panelists:
Kimberley Connors is the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Campaign for Single Payer Health Care. A Maynard resident, she has a strong background in Massachusetts progressive politics and the Single Payer movement. She chairs the Maynard Democratic Committee and is a member of the Progressive Mass Issues Committee and Three Rivers Progressive Mass, where she was Chair. Connors’s interest in health care reform started in 2015 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and since then, she has been an organizer for Medicare-For-All.
Michael Doonan, PhD, is Professor and Associate Dean for Academics and Online Learning for The Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University. He is the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Health Policy Forum and Director Schneider Institute Collaboration Committee. Michael founded the Heller School’s Master’s in Public Policy (MPP) program and served as Program Director for sixteen years. His Ph.D. from Brandeis is in both Political Science and Health Services Research. His research and publications focus on issues related to access to health care reform, federalism, Medicaid, federal/state relations, public health, and the politics and economics of health system change.
Vivian Kobusingye Birchall, MSc, is the founder of Health Care Blind Spots, an initiative dedicated to identifying overlooked areas in healthcare and proposing effective solutions to enhance the well-being of all individuals, particularly those often neglected in traditional healthcare interventions. An Acton resident, she is a health and medicine communication expert with an MSc in Media, Medicine, and Health from Harvard Medical School, and has over six years of experience in healthcare communication and biotech business management.
Food Drive in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
Please join the Sudbury Democratic Town Committee in honoring the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. by donating to the Sudbury Food Pantry.

Monday, January 20, 2025
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Drop off at 30 Meadowbrook Circle, Sudbury
Items Needed:
SNACKS (full size cookies and crackers)
BAKING (cake & brownie mix)
BOXED RICE (Near East / Rice A Roni)
CONDIMENTS (salad dressing, mayo, ketchup)
BOXED MEALS (potatoes, taco kits)
Voter Turnout in Swing States
Further to our meeting with MetroWest Blue and Beyond back in February, I have compiled a list of education (501c3) non-profits in swing states that focus on voter turn out. The list comes from GuideStar, a website that rates non-profits. The EIN numbers are useful if you are donating not via ActBlue but from a before-tax fund like a Donor Advised Fund or a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) at age 70.5+ from an IRA
- EIN 82-5522426 Phoenix AZ
- EIN 82-5164657 Berwyn PA
- Michigan League of Conservation Voters EIN 37-1430158 Ann Arbor MI
- Save Democracy Now Inc EIN 93-1408373 Allentown PA
- Protect the Vote Georgia EIN 86-3785016 Atlanta GA
- Empowered Voices EIN 47-5085307 Redford MI
- Mi Familia Vota Education Fund EIN 20-0182824 Phoenix AZ
- New PA Project Education Fund EIN 87-1276119 West Chester PA
- One Arizona EIN 37-1782220 Phoenix AZ
- Keystone Progress Education Fund EIN 26-4311107 Pittsburgh
- Action for the Climate Emergency EIN 26-3106566 (GuideStar page )
- NC A Philip Randolph Institute Inc EIN 56-1500282 (GuideStar page )
Acton Canvass with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Dan Sena, and Sen. Jamie Eldridge!
Saturday, August 31st.
Location: Private address (visible after signing up).
10:45AM – 1:00PM.
Link to sign up is here.
Results of the Canvass for Senator Warren

We knocked 106 doors in Sudbury on Saturday July 27, 2024. We were part of the total of 2000 doors over the entire weekend of action.
Photos from the Sudbury July 4th Parade

Canvass for Warren for Senate in Sudbury this Saturday!
Sign up here:
…to canvass for Warren for Senate in Sudbury. No experience needed, just bring comfortable shoes, a hat, sunscreen, and your (hopefully reusable) water bottle. After a short speech from Carmine you’ll receive your “turf map” (about 30 houses), door hangers, and talking points. Then it’s off to the races!
If you have a smartphone, download the miniVAN app from NGP VAN and open the app to create an ActionID login. If not, we can provide the info on paper.
Date: This Saturday, July 27, 2024
Start time: 11:45am (tentative: sign up to get updated info)
Place: Sign up to receive the kick off address. After the kick off (hopefully by 12:15pm or so) you go to your assigned “turf” somewhere in Sudbury.
End time: You should be done by about 2pm.
Postcarding in person at Sobre Mesa
RSVP link or use QR code below. Dinner and drinks are on-your-own.