The Sudbury Democratic Town Committee represents the Massachusetts Democratic Party in Sudbury. We advocate for Democratic values, policies, and candidates. We meet monthly and discuss a wide range of political issues and candidates. We organize to support Democratic candidates and raise funds for them and for the Massachusetts Democratic Party. We hold caucuses to select delegates for Democratic State Conventions. We urge all Sudbury residents to register and to vote. We speak out on public issues of local, state, and national concern through publications, events, media, and the Internet. Email us as info@sudburydemocrats.org to get information on how to join us at our next meeting: our meetings will generally be via Zoom until further notice with the exception of social events.

Members and officers marked with an asterisk * have served for twenty or more years and are thus members in perpetuity. They need not run for re-election and are not counted towards the 35-member limit.
- Ravi Simon, Co-Chair
- Carmine Gentile, Co-Chair *
- Colin Warwick, Secretary
- Sue Rushfirth, Treasurer
- Jack Ryan, Affirmative Action and Outreach Coordinator
- Ann Barysh
- Andrew Blair
- Michael Ferrari
- Michelangelo Fragale
- Nathaniel Fridman
- Beverly B. Guild *
- Linda Hench-Gentile
- Lisa Kouchakdjian
- Jeanne Maloney *
- John McQueen
- Henry W. Noer
- Carl D. Offner *
- Frank Riepe
- Christina (Tina) E. Riordan
- John D. Riordan
- Jennifer Roberts
- Barbara W. Ryan
- Henry P. Sorett *
- Marilyn Unger-Riepe
- Titania Vitvitsky
- Diana E. Warren
Associate Members
None at this time